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Wansford Trainers Teaching diary

We record the teaching/ learning log in an electronic diary stored as a Word document with inbuilt navigation and hyperlinks on our intranet
The focus of the dairy has evolved from being a learning log for the trainee to be an essential tool for the trainer to log progress in teaching

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Hints on completing the diary and logs  

This format of diary was designed to be a shared working document between the trainers and GP trainee
and we are now adapting this so that it does not duplicate the ePortfolio which is now such an integral part of learning and progress through the three years of training                   

The Eastern deanery has suggested the following principles for the teaching log

As a quality indicator of reflective processes operated by the trainer
Good practice for approval process
Near contemporaneous document as a record of the event, content, outcomes and future plans, might also contain feedback about the event by the learner and the teacher
Shared with trainee
Accessed by others involved in training and assessment
Taken together provide a record of the training journey
Avoid unnecessary duplication of teaching and learning logs
Concerns should be communicated with learner so that the opportunity to learn can be taken.

In order to be accessible the file needs to be stored centrally on your computer network so that it can be accessed from any computer in the practice. Remember to take backup copies of the diary at regular intervals so that you do not lose your work.

The completed diary can be printed for record keeping or emailed if appropriate.


What kinds of entries are useful?

Ø      Problem Case discussions, Random case analysis

Ø      Joint surgery cases

Ø      Joint Visits

Ø   Significant events which will need to be added to eportfolio by trainee

Ø      Meetings / Other learning activities

Ø      Assessment progress

Ø      Video Case Analysis

Ø      Ø      Tutorial  Topics          Style    Learning Need  Evidence Sourced Learning achieved

Ø      Future plans/ learning needs / action

Ø      Overall assessment of the week  Scale:  Awful 0----------------------------10 Excellent

Ø      Hyperlinks to guidelines and protocols

Ø      Tutorial assessments

Instructions for use of Diary:
• Press the Ctrl key and click on any of the headings in contents to view that section
• Ctrl- click on any hyperlink to navigate back to contents to view weblink or link to document on your server/intranet
• Create your own weblinks by typing the web address in the format or use “Insert, Hyperlink” command
• The cells in the tables expand as you type
• The table of contents is created by WORD itself, you can update this using the Outlining toolbar (to view this you need to right click on the Toolbar at top of page and tick “Outlining” Then click on “Update TOC”)
• You can add or delete rows by selecting a row, then right click ( Insert row)

Advanced editing tips

Ø      It is perfectly possible to adapt this document for your own needs by using the features of Microsoft Word

Ø      Change the column titles

Ø      Change the column widths by clicking and dragging the table

Ø      Insert extra rows or columns ( right click, insert rows)

Ø      Change cell alignment ( right click , cell alignment)

Ø      Format colour of particular cells – eg as an alert or colour coding ( right click, borders and shading)

Tutorial assessment                               

  • Trainer’s assessment of what GP Registrar has demonstrated in this session, scale of 0 - 10,

§         Knowledge      

§         Skills

§         Attitudes

  • Plans for further learning…
  • GP Registrar’s evaluation of teaching session (0-10)
      • Subject matter appropriate to teach on 
      • Methods used for teaching helpful
      • Appropriate use of resources
  • What single message (if any) would you take away?....




© 2004-7 Amrit Takhar, Wansford surgery