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 What causes Wind?

 Wind is sometimes caused by air that is swallowed when food is hastily gulped, or by drinking fizzy drinks.  Wind can also occur as a result of a failure of the digestive system to break down certain foods, which leaves a residue that ferments in the bowel.  Foods which most commonly give rise to this problem include beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, green peppers, melons, nuts, onion, peas and prunes.

 Symptoms of Wind

 The usual symptoms of wind are a bloated sensation in the abdomen, frequent belching or breaking of wind, and constipation.  Similar symptoms can also be caused by an ulcer, hiatus hernia or other conditions.  If symptoms of wind persist, a medical practitioner should be consulted.

 Conventional Treatment of Wind

 Conventional treatment of wind involves eating a simple diet, reducing sugar, fat and coffee intake, and eating slowly, paying attention to posture.  Massage and compresses can ease discomfort.  Charcoal tablets provide quick relief as they absorb gas from the gut.

 Self Help for Wind

 Avoid foods which you know give you wind, such as beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, nuts, peas, etc.

 Do not eat protein and starch at the same meal, and reduce raw vegetables and sugars.

 Reduce intake of pulses, particularly soya.

 Do not eat fat.

 Do not drink with meals, and avoid coffee and strong tea.

 Eat slowly, chewing food well.

Do not overeat.

 Sit erect while eating, and improve general posture.

Herbal remedies for Wind

  Caraway seeds or a clove may be chewed after a meal.

 Peppermint tea can be sipped after a meal.

 Thyme, sage, marjoram and rosemary may be used in cooking.

 A small cup of camomile, meadowsweet or balm tea may be sipped between meals.  To make an infusion, add either 5g of dried camomile flowers, 4g of meadowsweet, or 3g of balm to a cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes, strain and sip.

 Consult your GP if flatulence persists.

 Homoeopathic Treatment of Wind

 The following homoeopathic remedies can be taken to alleviate the symptoms of wind: 

Argentum nit. for those who suffer wind after sweet food, or when they are warm and worried.

 Carbo. veg. for those who suffer in damp weather, late in the day, or after fatty food.

 Lycopodium for those with ravenous hunger that is satisfied by only a few mouthfuls, who cannot digest cabbage, or have a craving for sweets.

 Aromatherapy for Wind

 The essential oils basil, sage, peppermint and myrrh can be blended and massaged onto the abdomen in a clockwise direction




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