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Beginners guide 

New EMIS users – need to check familiarity with keyboard/mouse

 Dumb terminal Vs PC workstation  (using LV2)

Switching on,  Logging in,  Password ,  Closedown procedure.

Keyboard function keys : F1 - Exit      F2 - Help    F3 - transfer key          F4- Find      F5 - Swap  patient     F6 - Household             F7 Group              F8- File       F10 – File and view Appointments

Firstly look at the front menu and familiarise yourself with the various functions available.  The left hand side of the screen has all the admin and medical unctions and the right hand side (apart from DS - dispensing) more specialised functions.
At the bottom of the screen the initials of the person who opened the screen are displayed, as well as the clock.
It is important that the terminal you are using is set up in your name.  When you open a screen your own password is entered but when you take over a screen from someone else you should CHANGE USER.  This is quite easily done either from the front screen pressing 'CU' or by transferring to CU and typing in your own password.  This is particularly important in the dispensary or when entering consultations (particularly on behalf of clinicians).
The clock is not vitally important but can make surgery arrival times all wrong and is easily changed by typing CS from the main menu - TM, and correcting the time. If you are networked using the time can only be changed on the server
'VIP' KEYS    On the top of the keyboard are a row of Function keys which can help make shortcuts across the different areas of EMIS.

Most functions can be 'escaped' from using this key.  When 'in trouble' keep pressing F1 to get you back to a screen you understand or the front screen (Main Menu).
A most useful key that can be used almost everywhere.  Try                 this key to change screen destinations before EXIT (F1). If it won't access a transfer, by asking for a mnemonic, then you will have to use F1 as is the case between typing
a letter and any other function.  There are quite a few screens that can be swapped between and which will save you quite a lot of time. i.e from appointments to dispensing.
This is used to swap between PATIENTS in various destinations, i.e. medical record, consultations,   dispensary etc. but not actual destinations i.e. MR to DS.
Another useful key.  When in patient record, if you press F6 you will get a list of those patients living at the same address.  (Well, most  of them, but it depends on address entry). This is useful when making appointments for members of the same family. MR + F6 - then enter each family member. Likewise, in dispensary when patients ring with a prescription request instead of exiting and re-entering the next family name press F6 and the family list comes up!
Choose the patient and their prescription list will come up thus saving from exiting and re-entering again.
This key allows you to move back and forth from the  appointments screen.  You can go between the medical record and appointment screen, prescribing record and appointment   screen or consultation mode and appointment screen.

From the Main Menu to F10 in the first instance brings up the full list of sessions.  Choose the session, return and
if you return on the first patient you will get the main menu, choose MR and up comes that patients notes - press
F10 and you will be back to that same appointment screen.  This then becomes a default on that screen and will return
to MR on returning on each patient.
If you choose PR - prescribing then that becomes the default.

This can be quite helpful if you need to:
a) telephone a list of patients to cancel a whole surgery,
(Press RD each time from the main menu but F10 to return to same list. 

b) dispensary checking.  F10 toggling will takes you back to the last appointment screen used this saves F1 exit + re-entering from the main

Return,  Space bar,  Pageup and Page down, arrow keys, backspace


MR - Medical record

Displays summary information regarding patient.  Then acts  as a good base to look into other areas see Wansford summary data help sheet

e.g. Press C  ... Consultation records. These can be paged up and down.

Press M  ... Medication record. (Same as prescribing)


Consultation Records

The practice has been entering most consultations on computer since June 1990 at Wansford ( all since 1991)

Incoming post is also scanned into EMIS - recognised by reference such as *RL4

 ¨      To review previous consultations

 From Main menu, press MR (Medical Record), then C then use Paging arrows up/down

  ¨      To add a consultation

  From main menu, press MR, then C

   Prescribing Record

Main options

A - Add a new prescription.

     Select drug by first few letters. Drugs in stock are preferentially displayed.

 C - Cancel a prescription - will record this cancelled item in past drugs.

 X - Record of past prescriptions since 1989.

 N - Note for consultation record - useful for if you are in consulting mode.

  I - Issue a prescription - choose from one already displayed

     as current/repeat.

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Last modified: July 06, 2003