Wansford surgery
Yarwell Road
PE8 6PL, UK Our location on Multimap
Tel 01780 782342
Fax 01780 783434 |
Other useful surgery numbers
REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS; (01780) 783994 ( 9-12pm)
HEALTH VISITOR: (01780) 782927
RESEARCH LINE: (01780) 781263
OUT-OF-HOURS SERVICE Tel: 111 ( old number was 01733
293838 ) |
Depending on your urgent or emergency need you should
- ring the surgery 01780
- ring for an ambulance
- ring 111 if you are unsure what you need and for access to out of hours appointments
- visit www.nhs.ukk
for advice on your medical problems
- At weekend and evenings after 630 pm (Out of hours ring)
01733 293838 for City care centre, Thorpe road, Peterborough( used to be at Rivergate)
Step by Step guide to
dialling 999:
Dial 999 immediately for emergencies such as:
chest pain, difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness,
severe loss of blood, severe burns and scalds, choking,
fitting/convulsions, drowning, and severe allergic reactions.
1. Before phoning, make sure that you know the location
of the emergency and the telephone number that you are
calling from.
2. The first person to speak to you will be the telephone
operator, who will ask whether you require the ambulance,
fire, or police service.
3. Once you have requested an ambulance, your call
will be connected to the Ambulance Dispatch Centre.
4. You will be asked where you want the ambulance to
go. An ambulance will be sent as soon as the location
is known.
5. You should stay on the line as the call handler
will ask you some questions about the incident, including
details about the condition of the patient or patients.
The information you provide will be relayed to the ambulance
6. Do not hang up until instructed to do so. The call
handler may provide advice about how you can help the
patient, and you will also be required to confirm the
location and number you are calling from.
OUT OF HOURS - City Care Centre,
Thorpe Road,
Between 6.30pm - 8.00am Monday- Friday,weekends
and Bank Holidays,
Please call: City Care Centre OUT-OF-HOURS SERVICE
Tel: 01733 293838
tthis centre provides an emergency service for
urgent problems which cannot wait until the next day.
Currently we do not accept medical correspondence by email
from patients. When we are ready to do so we shall use this
page to advise you of the email addresses that you may use
We do, however, offer a service which enables you to book
an appointment or to order a repeat prescription on-line.
Please DO NOT send medical information or requests by e-mail.
Remember that e-mail is an insecure medium - messages may
be read by others in transit, and messages may be lost, corrupted
or delayed.
If you have comments or questions about the website, please
email Dr. Takhar, the site designer at Email
website (at) wansford.co.uk